What is Nira and why is it in the Tamagoyaki?



If you were reading the day before the question was, will my son like Okra? Well it seems that we still do not know. I mean he ate one and left one. He might have just been full, hence the reason for the one left over. So we will have to try it again at a later date.

As for today’s bento nothing much going on, other than the wife placing Nira in the Tamagoyaki. You might be wondering what Nira is, well its scientific name is Allium tuberosum, (commonly known as garlic chives, Chinese chives, Oriental garlic, Chinese leek, also known by the Chinese name kow choi). It is a vegetable related to onion.

I like the taste of it and also use it when making stir-fry. If you can find it try it you might like it
