Sorry for no bento photo yesterday as it was 敬老の日 (Keiro no Hi, Respect for the Aged Day, Grandparent’s day) in Japan. The plan was for the wife’s mother and grandmother as well as her brother family to come over and enjoy the holiday. So instead of enjoying the day with the family we had hurricane number 18 strike Japan. Don’t get me wrong I do not mine hurricanes as once the hurricane passes the skies will be clear and so beautiful. Since this weekend is another 3 day weekend the wife rescheduled the event for this weekend. Not sure why it’s another long weekend.
Was watching last week. If you have not seen it before, check it out. They had author Tim Grahl speaking (I am guessing he is famous). He was helping people to sell their first 1000 books. (Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book)Since I know nothing about book publishing I found if interesting, and saw many ways for this to be applied to anything one does in life. After the event I downloaded the kindle version of the book and finished it within the day. (Yes, I am slow) I found the book interesting and a simple read. The book is written as a simple plan for an author or anyone to follow. The plan goings like this; get permission from your audience to communicate with them. Write great content, point blank. Outreach, means to share and get your community to help. Last topic is on Selling, using that community and great content to sell your books.The last topic was throughout the book and that was to use analytics to see what is working or not working.Told you it was a simple plan The second book: Photography Q&A: Real Questions. Real Answers. (Voices That Matter)
by Zack Arias. Will go into that book another day, as lot to do after a long weekend.
Oh, before I forget the bento is a meat and fish lover’s bento, little regards for vegetables. We have potatoes, tomato’s, mushrooms and that would be about it. Will have to correct that tomorrow.