Sorry for no posts on Friday and Monday. Friday started off as a busy morning because we all woke up late, then proceeded to rush the bento creation followed by a busy afternoon. I made a miso mushroom chicken with cheese tamagoyaki on the side. The cheese tamagoyaki turned out ok, but the chicken was too salty if ate by itself. (this is what I thought, but the little one liked it as he finished it)
So on Monday I was sick so the wife and the little one did the bento making. We cool the rice in the bento’s before closing them, so the little one was fanning it to help. Yep, he is cute. The bentos were rice with a tomato mince chicken sauce with melted cheese on the top.
On to today’s bento. We have boiled sweet potatoes in honey and lemon (this has not been confirmed), Nira Tamagoyaki with potato’s mixed with mince chicken, topped with melted cheese. Plus the standard rice for the carbohydrates.