I am sorry for the late post, as I just got home myself from running around on the bike in the summer heat. The temperature was not as bad as yesterday; the bike was only showing a temperature of 38 degrees. Whereas the last few days it was showing 40 and 41 degrees, hence it’s cooling down. (Mental note: If this heat keeps up I might have to get an AC unit for the bedroom).
As for today’s bento, the wife gave the little one Edamame (枝豆). Edamame is just young soybeans in the pod. It is really simple to make and goes so well with cold beer.
Just take a bunch of Edamame and place them in boiling water. You don’t have to boil it too long just enough time to soften the pod up. As for seasoning them, just use some sea salt. You can either place the salt in the boiling water or just add the salt to the pods after boiling.